As we are now in the depths of winter, it is essential for both businesses and individuals to be prepared for winter weather. From icy roads, freezing temperatures, to full on blizzards, winter weather can be experienced anywhere in the United States depending on weather patterns. So, no matter where you live, it is important to always be prepared. In today’s blog, we will be diving into some of the ways you can best be prepared.
Ensure Safe and Accessible Parking and Walkways
Winterizing your walkways and parking area is incredibly important before a winter storm. Inspecting drainage systems to ensure proper flow, applying de-icing treatments to walk ways and parking areas, and investing in snow removal equipment if you are in a location where that is reasonable. There are many reasons for why it is important to keep parking areas and walkways as clear as possible including both the safety of one’s employees/ tenants, liability if an accident were to occur, and more.
Maintain Equipment and Review Insurance
Making sure that all equipment has been maintained properly before winter begins is the best way to go, but it’s always a good idea to perform a check if a winter storm is headed to or near where you live. Check out the list below for some ideas of equipment that’s best to check before and after a storm:
- Heating Systems (HVAC)
- Plumbing Systems
- Very cold temperatures can lead to pipes bursting which can cause significant water damage to property.
- Roofing
- Winter storms can also come with damaging winds which cause leaks, damaged shingles, etc.
- Snow Removal Equipment (obviously!)
- Vehicles and Tires
- If you must drive in a winter storm due to an emergency, having good tires, breaks, and other sturdy car parts is essential.
- Power Generators
- Ensure that you have enough fuel, and that the generator is working properly. When using any generator be sure to fully read instructions as many release carbon monoxide which can be deadly if the generator is used improperly.
- Fire Safety, Carbon Monoxide, and Other Monitors
- Fire, carbon monoxide, and other monitors/ detectors should be checked regularly, but also before winter weather. Although many do not associate fires with winter weather.
Even if you do not own the building your business operates out of, taking some time to ensure equipment is in good condition can help your business as something like a pipe bursting could cause significant upset to your businesses operations if it were to occur.
There are many other things one could and should do to be properly prepared for winter weather, but we hope this blog was able to shed some light on some of the most important things to do for your business before a storm. One of the better things about winter weather compared to other types of severe weather is that most of the time they are predictable generally giving a few days’ notice before making its impact giving a bit of time to ensure one is prepared. Our emergency response hotline is available 24/7 even during winter and other severe weather learn more using the link below!